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ECTS Conference in Rome

ECTS Conference in Rome
43rd Annual European Calcified Tissue Society Congress

ECTS Conference

We presented two posters at the 43rd Annual European Calcified Tissue Society Congress (ECTS Conference) in Rome (14-17 May 2016):


  • P114 Increased Zinc accumulation in mineralized osteosarcoma tissue
  • P312 Manganese distribution in bone tissue by SR-µXRF


And we are very proud to announce that we won the young investigator poster prize with “Manganese distribution in bone tissue by SR-µXRF”.

ECTS young investigator prize

ECTS young investigator prize

International Conference on Bone and Mineral Research 2015

International Conference on Bone and Mineral Research 2015

We are presenting parts of our research tomorrow at the International Conference on Progress in Bone and Mineral Research 2015 and the Annual Autumn Conference of the Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Research (AuSBMR).

Bone Conference 2015

Bone Conference 2015

Venue: TechGate Vienna, 1220 Vienna, Donau City Str. 1

From 14.40 to 14.50 A. Turyanskaya will talk about “Synchrotron µXRF analysis of Manganese distribution in antler and human bone

and from 16.20 to 16.30 M. Rauwolf will present our work about the “Distribution of Zinc in human high-grade osteosarcoma and healthy tissue determined with confocal synchrotron radiation micro X-Ray Fluorescence analysis“.

The conference takes place in Vienna, Austria from December 3 – 5, 2015. The complete program can be found here.

Posters from the Denver X-ray Conference 2015

Posters from the Denver X-ray Conference 2015
SR-microXRF of bone samples -a comparison of a confocal and a CXC setup

SR-microXRF of bone samples – a comparison of a confocal and a CXC setup

Spatially resolved manganese distribution in antler and human bone

Spatially resolved manganese distribution in antler and human bone

Magnesium diffusion from implant into bone tissue observed by microXRF imaging

Magnesium diffusion from implant into bone tissue observed by microXRF imaging











For all who did not have the chance to visit our posters at the Denver X-Ray Conference this year – you can just click at the images above. Alternatively, you can also find them under Publications.